Comprehensive Online Painting Instruction

"My goal is to make learning comprehensive and enjoyable, and to teach students how to paint...not how to paint like me." - Jill
I've designed my classes to be as thorough and sequential as possible, guiding the student step-by-step through a clear yet enjoyable teaching method. I explain everything with a visually-oriented person in mind, since art itself is a visually-oriented field.
A Leading Online Arts Instructor
Excellent Ratings
Jill is a top instructor on Udemy where her average course rating is 4.9 out of 5.0. She has over 30,200 students over two platforms.
Popular YouTuber
Jill's popular art-related YouTube channel (Jill Poyerd Fine Art) has over 5 million views and over 78,000 subscribers.
International Use
Jill's educational material has been referenced in national & international schools, including Yale and the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy.
Online Fine Art Courses
Click on a course below for class information and previews
New to Watercolor?
If you're new to watercolor you will want to take the following classes in this recommended order:
Foundations for Mastering Watercolor Painting
The Mechanics of Watercolor Painting
Mastering Brushstrokes
The Watercolor Process
Interested in Oil Painting?
If you're looking for oil painting classes:
The Oil Painting Process
Mastering Brushstrokes
What Students are Saying...
"Excellent!!! Jill Poyerd is one of the best painting instructors I have ever had. Clear and concise. Neat and very didactic." - Juan D.
"Your courses are such a savior, Jill! I was always afraid to try watercolors for some strange reason. Now I'm learning through your classes and I must admit day by day you are making me fall in love with this medium! I owe you a lot!" - Raigauri V.
"I cannot imagine pursuing watercolor painting without taking this course. This is full of thoughtful, thorough, well-produced and understandable. And I have not come across this information anywhere else." - Alice K.
"What an amazing resource. This is far better than any teaching or instruction I've ever had. I feel like I have just been to the first class with a master atelier." - Merrill P.

About the Instructor
Jill Poyerd, NWS
Jill Poyerd is a contemporary realist known for her tranquil subject matter and unique painting style. Her award-winning work can be found in private collections both nationally and internationally. She has been featured in national publications, is the author of the portrait painting book Fearless Portraits, and is a signature member of several prestigious art societies, including the National Watercolor Society. She is a top painting instructor on UDemy.com, and produces art appreciation videos for her highly successful YouTube Channel where her videos inspire and inform an international audience. Jill lives with her husband in Northern Virginia.